Invisalign® is practically invisible, which means that most people will never even know that you are wearing them.

Invisalign® is much more comfortable to wear than traditional metal braces, as there are no wires or brackets.

You can remove your Invisalign® aligners at any time, which means that you can eat whatever you want and brush and floss your teeth with ease.

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Professional Invisalign® Providers in Manchester, CT

Hamden & Manchester, CT's Comprehensive Dental Alignment Services

Invisalign® is a clear aligner system that uses custom-made trays to gradually move your teeth into the desired position. Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign® is virtually invisible and can be removed for eating, brushing, and flossing. At Signature Smiles, we use Invisalign® to discreetly and effectively treat a variety of dental concerns, including crowded teeth, gaps between teeth, overbites, underbites, and crossbites.

Am I a Candidate for Invisalign®?

Invisalign® is a great option for both adults and teens who are looking for a more discreet way to straighten their teeth. Invisalign® can be used to treat a wide variety of dental concerns, so if you are unhappy with the appearance of your smile, Invisalign® may be right for you. In addition, other characteristics of an ideal Invisalign® candidate include:

Good oral hygiene: Because the aligners are removed for eating and cleaning, it is important that patients have good oral hygiene habits. Patients who do not brush and floss regularly may be more likely to experience cavities and gum disease while using Invisalign®.

Compliance: In order for Invisalign® to be effective, patients must be willing to wear the aligners for at least 22 hours per day. Patients who are not compliant with the treatment plan may not see the desired results.

Realistic expectations: It is important to have realistic expectations about the Invisalign® process. Although Invisalign® can produce beautiful results, it is not a perfect system. In some cases, patients may need to wear traditional braces for a short time after completing treatment with Invisalign®.

How Are Invisalign® Aligners Made? 

Invisalign® aligners are made using a 3D computer imaging system. First, we take impressions, x-rays, and photos of your teeth. Then, we use this information to create a digital model of your mouth. We can then use this model to design your custom, medical-grade Invisalign® aligners.

Once your aligners are ready, you will come in for a fitting. During this appointment, we will ensure that the aligners fit comfortably and make any necessary adjustments. You will then be given your first set of aligners to take home.

How Does Invisalign® Work?

The Invisalign® system uses a series of plastic aligners made of clear and plastic to gradually move your teeth into the desired position. Each set of aligners is worn for about two weeks before being replaced with the next set in the series. As you progress through the treatment, your teeth will slowly begin to shift into place.

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Frequently Asked Invisalign® Questions

  • How are Invisalign® aligners custom-made for each patient?

    Invisalign® aligners are custom-made using advanced 3D imaging technology. Your dentist or orthodontist will take digital impressions of your teeth, creating a precise 3D model. This model is used to design a series of aligners that gradually move your teeth into the desired position. Each aligner is carefully crafted to fit your unique dental structure, ensuring a comfortable and effective treatment.

  • What materials are used to create Invisalign® aligners?

    Invisalign® aligners are constructed from a patented thermoplastic material known as SmartTrack®. This material is not only clear and nearly invisible when worn, but it's also FDA-approved and safe for oral use. SmartTrack® offers exceptional flexibility and durability, allowing the aligners to exert controlled force on your teeth while remaining comfortable to wear.

  • How are the aligners fabricated and shipped to the patient?

    Once your custom treatment plan is created, the digital data is sent to an Invisalign® laboratory. There, specialized technicians utilize 3D printing technology to produce a series of aligners tailored to your treatment. The aligners are then shipped to your dentist or orthodontist's office, where you will receive them and begin your treatment journey.

  • Can Invisalign® aligners be adjusted during treatment?

    Invisalign® treatment involves a series of aligners, each designed to move your teeth incrementally. Adjustments are pre-planned and built into the aligner series, eliminating the need for manual adjustments by your dentist. As you progress through each set of aligners, your teeth gradually shift according to the treatment plan, ensuring a controlled and predictable outcome. Your dentist or orthodontist will monitor your progress during periodic check-ups and provide you with new sets of aligners as needed to advance your treatment.

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